
Mental Health Communication Programs for Inmates

Incarcerated individuals face a myriad of challenges and concerns while they aim to complete their jail time, and many of them struggle to stay in communication with their family and friends. In some instances, they are also unable or uncertain where they can get the mental health care and support they need.

According to Mental Health America, a non-profit organization dedicated to mental health needs, 1.2 million incarcerated individuals are living with mental illness. This is significant because at the end of spring 2021 there were 1.8 million in jail or prison nationwide, meaning more than 50% of inmates have a mental illness.

While each person’s needs are unique, it’s important to provide mental health programs for inmates while serving their jail time. This will assist them while incarcerated and be a positive aid to help them rejoin society once they’ve finished their sentence.

A Digital Society

Over the last two decades, we have transitioned to living in a digital society. We communicate and seek out information on a global scale, and staying connected with friends and loved ones has proven no different. 

Whether it’s being on social media platforms, using smartphone apps or asking Siri for assistance, many of us have become dependent on everyday access to media platforms and communications technology as part of our lifestyle. However, as this transition to digital continues and becomes more encompassing, it creates divisions. Some people are more affluent with constant access to the technology they crave, while others, such as incarcerated individuals, struggle to be digital participants who look to conform and keep aspects of normality within their grasp.

Living within a digital society, using its services and platforms, is constantly evolving. It’s much easier for those who aren’t imprisoned to stay current, as incarcerated individuals are no longer willing participants with a variety of options and tools to pick from. That kind of separation can be problematic and difficult.

How Communications Programs for Inmates Can Impact Mental Health

By offering the ability to keep in touch with family, friends, loved ones, and even clergy or an attorney, inmates will be positively affected as they serve their jail time and go through rehabilitation. Other positive effects on mental health may include a reduction in tension and anxiety, no longer feeling excluded or disconnected, and strengthening social skills.

Whether it’s staying in touch with family and friends, or speaking with a health professional on a video call, offering communication-focused mental health programs for inmates will go a long way in buoying their ability to adapt as they prepare to eventually rejoin a digital society with confidence.

Offering support is key. Upon their release from prison, inmates can feel as much stress as they did when they were first incarcerated, as they lose their housing, healthcare and more. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than two-thirds of state and federal prisoners are likely to be rearrested within three years of their release. Much of this is due to the structure in their lives unraveling while they simultaneously struggle with mental illness.

While jails and prisons won’t be able to provide permanent employment, housing or mentoring resources upon an inmate’s release, the mental health care they received while incarcerated will help set them up for success as they re-enter our communities. By removing them from harm’s way, and knowing they have the mental health support and necessary tools needed, they are more likely to become productive members of society.

Using HomeWAV for Communicating

HomeWAV offers simple ways to help incarcerated individuals connect with family, friends, clergy and more. By providing secure, reliable access to video calls, incarcerated individuals gain an important communications tool, giving them the ability to get the mental health support they need. HomeWAV will provide the system and install it in your jail or prison for free. Within minutes, users can create an account, download the free app and get started. 

If you would like more information about HomeWAV, contact us, or view our frequently asked questions for additional details.

7 Ways to Prepare for Your Upcoming Video Visitation

Visiting a loved one who is incarcerated often comes with challenges, and the experience produces strong emotions that run the gamut from sadness to elation. Seeing the facility might feel foreign and seem scary, especially to kids. And saying goodbye to your friend or family member? That’s never easy. But supporting an incarcerated loved one makes sense for a variety of reasons — and with help from platforms allowing video visitation in prisons, it’s simpler than ever.

What are the benefits of routine video calls during incarceration? First, they strengthen the bonds between incarcerated parents and their children. In fact, research shows that the rate of recidivism goes down for prisoners whose friends and family stay in touch, meaning less likelihood of repeating the experience later. They also give incarcerated men and women the hope they need — and hope, of course, is key to their well-being.

Despite these advantages, some people find planning in-person visits nearly impossible due to travel constraints, financial worries, or over the past year, concerns about COVID-19. For that reason, visiting someone in jail over a video call has taken off as a viable and safe alternative.

So if you’re looking to have a remote video call with an incarcerated loved one, how can you get started?

Planning for Successful Video Calls With Incarcerated Friends and Family

If someone you care about is serving time right now (and going on-site is not an option), you might want to try remote video visitation for its convenience and continued connection. Before your first call, keep these strategies in mind for a more seamless experience:

1. Use trustworthy equipment. Nothing’s more frustrating than not having the right device for a video call. Test your laptop, tablet, or smartphone in advance to ensure the technology can weather a remote call. Likewise, don’t be afraid to ask someone for help if you’re not confident using the equipment or need a quick walkthrough of the video platform. Also, remember that phones without cameras (say, flip phones) won’t have the specs you need to make your call.

If you don’t have the technology at home to make these calls, consider visiting a friend’s house who does or an organization that loans out the right equipment (like a library). Please note that if you’re using HomeWAV and also borrowing equipment, you’ll need to be able to download the app and log into your personal account.

2. Choose your surroundings thoughtfully. Want a better give-and-take during the call? Set up your remote calls in a well-lit (not backlit) space. This makes it easier for your friend or loved one to see you. Also, be aware that sound can travel, and opt for headphones or earbuds if you think your background could get noisy. Above all else, avoid making calls from a car or bustling commercial location.

3. Pay attention to network connectivity. Bad connections happen — and that’s particularly true if you use public Wi-Fi, which tends to be of poorer quality than connections provided by most folks’ personal cellular plans. In the event of an unacceptable connection, make sure both parties wait a minute before calling back. This allows time for the system to refresh. If you’re having recurring issues with your home’s Wi-Fi, try calling when you’re the only household member relying on your internet signal (this also includes smartphones connected to the internet).

4. Make sure the HomeWAV account holder will be present on the call. Some facilities that monitor live calls will disconnect remote video visitation in prisons and suspend accounts if the account holder isn’t present in the frame (for example, a parent who’s an account holder leaving just their children in the video frame to chat). Likewise, they might discontinue a call if anyone besides the approved visitor appears on camera. Always review facility rules to avoid problems caused by unintended policy violations.

5. Dress for the visit per facility guidelines. The dress codes and activity expectations that hold up for in-person visits usually roll over into remote ones. With that in mind, remember that nudity, drug use, and even adult language are not allowed on a video visitation. Rather than risk losing the ability to chat with your loved one, follow these rules to the best of your ability. If you have questions about what’s acceptable, clarify before your call so you don’t make any mistakes that could sour your experience. When you’re ready to sign up for a HomeWAV account, be sure to carefully review the facility’s guidelines before completing that process. If you already have an account and need a refresher, check the facility’s website for policy guidelines. Generally, each facility will list basic information on HomeWAV, where to go to create an account, and a set of their own rules.

6. Expect and accept intense feelings. Visiting someone in jail is bittersweet for everyone, and you don’t know exactly how you’ll react. Nevertheless, you can be sure that strong emotions could pop up at any time. It’s healthy to express your feelings rather than hide them, but try to remain as positive as you can. End on an upbeat note, like promising to see each other remotely soon. Your optimism will help buoy the spirits of your family member or friend who can’t come home.

7. Keep children connected from home. Millions of children have an incarcerated parent, and asking a child to participate in a video call with them helps them to not only share in the visitation but also experience a precious moment of connection. To be sure, kids won’t always want to stick around for an entire call depending upon their age and ability to focus. Still, they can say hello and chat for a while — and that’s a blessing for everyone.

If you’d like to include kids, just be sure to get approval from the facility you’re calling before launching the remote call (some facilities require children to be registered for video visits). At the same time, ensure the account holder is on screen and navigating for the entire call.

The digital age continues to remove communication barriers in a variety of ways, including ones between those serving time and their loved ones. If you long to stay in touch with an incarcerated loved one who’s miles (or even states) away, why not try a video visit? If you’re looking to set up an account for inmate calls, create a HomeWAV account and add funds. The HomeWAV kiosk at the detention facility will let your loved one know when you or other visitors are available, and they can then initiate a call.

Interested in learning more about how HomeWAV can help you? Reach out to us today by clicking here!

How Do I Video Call an Inmate?

While nothing can take the place of in-person visitation, advancements in technology can help bridge the gap between you and your incarcerated loved one by allowing video calls with someone in jail. Through companies like HomeWAV, inmates are able to make video calls with friends and family from jail easily and safely, allowing for better connections and communication. If you have been looking for an alternative to FaceTime to connect with someone in jail more efficiently, HomeWAV provides video and voice calling resources.

If your loved one is currently an inmate at a correctional facility that offers the HomeWAV system, video calling is as easy as five steps:

There are a variety of ways to maintain a relationship with an inmate, some requiring less effort than others, but they are all capable of helping you connect. With a little creativity, not only will you keep each other engaged socially, you can help each other grow as people. Creative examples for socializing with incarcerated individuals, which can be done virtually or in-person, include:

1. Create an Account: To ensure safety for yourself and your loved one, you’ll need to first create a HomeWAV account online, either through your computer browser or the mobile app on your phone. (The mobile app is available free in the app store for iOS and Android.) You will need to upload a profile picture of yourself that is head-on, from the shoulders up, and without filters or edits, as well as a government-issued ID like your license, state ID, or passport.

2. Wait to be Accepted by the Detention Facility: In most cases, your account will be reviewed by the correctional facility within 24 to 48 hours. The correctional facility will see your account, profile photo, and government-issued ID, then grant or deny access. This process is similar to the one you would need to go through to visit in-person and gives facility staff the awareness of who inmates are speaking with.

Please note that acceptance is at the discretion of each correctional facility. Outside of financial fraud situations, HomeWAV does not stop accounts from being made. If your account is not accepted, please contact the detention facility.

3. Add Funds to Your Account: You can also add funds to your incarcerated loved one’s HomeWAV account through the website, mobile app, a PayNearMe kiosk, or through our automated phone payment system. Your loved one will be able to use these funds to call those on their approved phone list. 

Fees and services are set independently by each corrections facility, but most are between 10 and 30 cents per minute. eMessaging features are less than one cent per character. Unlike calls from the detention center which can sometimes allow for outgoing collect calls, you will need to add funds via credit, debit, or prepaid cards prior to the call. Enter the amount you would like to add to your account via the “Add ‘Talk to Me’ Funds” in the app or online.

4. Stay Logged into Your Account and Wait: The great thing about video calling with an inmate is that you do not need to have a scheduled time to chat. Instead, voice and video calls are initiated from your loved one when they have access to a HomeWAV kiosk or tablet. Your loved one will be notified via kiosk or tablet once you are signed into your account and available to connect.

5. Video Call with Your Loved One: When you are both available, your loved one can call you through our secure app or website portal. Be sure to have a strong Wi-Fi signal for the best video quality.

We understand that knowing someone in jail is hard, but with HomeWAV, we hope to make communicating easier by allowing video calls similar to FaceTime. With video calls, you can keep your loved one up-to-date about what is happening in your life and feel a bit closer, even while they are incarcerated. 

For more information about HomeWAV or how to stay in contact with your loved one, help children understand the situation, and care for yourself during this trying time, we have free resources available on our website.

The Effects of Incarceration on Mental Health

A Look Into the Connection Between Jail and Mental Health

It doesn’t come as a surprise to most that incarceration has been linked to negative effects on mental health. Incarcerated individuals are removed from society, resulting in many feeling like they no longer have a purpose. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, though it varies from each incarcerated person to another, jail can cause lasting negative mental health disorders such as major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.

One effect of incarceration on mental health is referred to as “Post-Incarceration Syndrome.” This is similar to PTSD, where even after a person is released from incarceration, they continue to suffer from the mental effects. This is a more extreme effect that jail has on one’s mental health, but there are plenty of minor effects as well: feeling disconnected from friends and family, boredom, loss of autonomy, and feeling unsafe in one’s surroundings. These can have a huge negative impact on a person’s mental health.

A Positive Impact: Jail Video Calls

Because of the way it is set up, the negative mental health effects of the jail system aren’t going anywhere. Thankfully, there are ways to make small positive impacts on the mental health of those incarcerated. One way is for jails to allow video calls between those incarcerated and their family and friends.

According to the National Institution of Corrections, “visits from family members, children, and other sources of support can be a lifeline in the lives of incarcerated men and women. Visits provide an opportunity to maintain connection, rebuild relationships, and actively begin to form links to the community both for support and to assist in the reentry process.” Though video calls from jail don’t have the exact same effect as in-person visits, in-person visits are not always a possibility. Jail video calls are the next best thing.

With jail video calls, incarcerated individuals and their family members are able to communicate while looking at each other, be it on-screen, allowing for a deeper connection. Research has found that a jail that allows different types of visitation is linked to positive mental health of those incarcerated. This means seeing reduced symptoms of depression, feelings of isolation and fear, stress, and more. Incarcerated people who have access to visitation, including jail video calls, have also been linked to a decreased chance of felony reconviction.

Let HomeWAV Help Ease the Effects of Incarceration on Mental Health

HomeWAV’s jail video call solutions can help make a positive impact on the mental health of those who are incarcerated. In addition to video calls, we offer eMessaging, voice calls, and more. There are so many negative effects of incarceration on mental health; let HomeWAV help you make a positive impact. Create an account today to get started.

Key Insights on HomeWAV’s Flexible and Secure Payment Options

Introducing the Future Standard of Payments! 


At HomeWAV, we’re setting a new standard for payment accessibility. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a world of convenience, as we empower you with an array of trusted payment methods to choose from – including Credit, Debit, Cash, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, and PayPal. 


We believe in constantly evolving and innovating to make our app even more user-friendly and efficient to help connect communities. This update allows us to implement new features and technology that will elevate your experience, ensuring a faster and more secure payment process.


What can you expect from our flexible and secure payment options?


Additional Payment Methods: Experience the ease and flexibility of choosing from a wide selection of payment options. With Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, and PayPal as your default choices, you can pay your way, your style. This integration also still supports credit and debit card payments.


Automated Refunds: We’ve streamlined the refund process. Experience hassle-free automated refunds, putting you in control of your finances and ensuring a smooth refund experience. 


Update Saved Payment Methods: While your previous payment types won’t automatically transfer with this change, we see this as an opportunity to provide you with a clean slate, giving you the chance to review and update your payment information with ease. As part of this secure upgrade, we invite you to reload your payment information into the app to continue using autopay. We understand updating this can be a bit of a hassle, but we assure you that this will lead to a smoother and more seamless experience each time you want to communicate with your loved one.


We’re committed to improving our technology to foster quality connections with your loved ones, and our new flexible payment options are now a part of your everyday experience to communicate.


For more information, contact our Customer Support Team here and they will be happy to assist you with any questions.

How to Call Someone in Jail

Whether your friend or family member has just been booked or has been incarcerated for some time, keeping the lines of communication open is important, not just to determine their next steps, but for both your and the incarcerated individual’s mental health. However, getting in contact can seem complicated, especially if you are newer to having an incarcerated loved one. So how do you call someone who is in jail?

How to Call Someone in Jail

Phone calls always need to be made from the incarcerated individual to you. Even if you have the phone number of the facility where they are located, you will not be able to call and talk to them. However, they will be able to call you. 

Once they are booked, processed, and authorized to make calls, you will have more opportunities to have contact with them. HomeWAV makes it easier by allowing those incarcerated to initiate remote video and voice calls, as well as allowing them to eMessage you via text and video messaging. Additionally, you can schedule on-site visits directly through HomeWAV’s ByPAS™ system.

How an Incarcerated Individual Initiates a Phone Call from Jail

When an inmate has been cleared to make phone calls, they will be able to do so on a schedule dependent on the facility. While facility landline phones require collect calls and cannot be made to cell phones, HomeWAV’s VoIP phone system allows any compatible internet-enabled device with the appropriate software to make traditional jail phone calls to your cell phone, eliminating the barriers that more restrictive landlines present.

Additionally, inmate communication companies like HomeWAV allow for more features, including video calling, to encourage communication between inmates and their loved ones.

How to Use HomeWAV

When your incarcerated friend or family is logged into the HomeWAV kiosk or tablet, they will be able to see that you are available and initiate a call. This provides you with more opportunities to connect, the ability to talk to them wherever you are through your cell phone or tablet (as long as you have a strong internet connection), and video call with them. 

HomeWAV also makes it easy to communicate in other ways. If the facility allows eMessaging, you will be able to send text, video, gifs, and image messages if applicable. This helps you to communicate in different ways, sharing daily life events, photos of loved ones, and short notes.

Getting started with HomeWAV is easy. Simply:

1) Download the free app (available for Android and Apple) or go to the HomeWAV website.

2) Create an account. You will be prompted to send a photo and a valid ID card. Your information will be reviewed by the facility where your loved one is incarcerated.  It is up to the facility whether to accept or deny your account.

3) When your account has been accepted, you can now add money to your loved one’s account. Like a phone card, this will allow your loved one a specific amount they can use on the HomeWAV tablet or kiosk.

4) Communicate via eMessaging any time or video call when your loved one is available on the HomeWAV kiosk.

While it isn’t the same as being able to pick up the phone and call any time, HomeWAV gives you more freedom and helps relieve the burden to communicate. 

Although having friends or family in jail is a stressful and difficult time for everyone involved, with HomeWAV, we make staying connected much easier on you and your loved ones. To learn more about HomeWAV, please see our frequently asked questions.

HomeWAV Wins 2024 BIG Innovation Award

Telecommunications company recognized for pioneering solutions, creating meaningful impact to serve and support communities

ST. LOUIS, Mo., February 7, 2024–HomeWAV, the leader in providing simple, secure inmate communication solutions, is honored to announce it has been named a winner in the 2024 BIG Innovation Awards presented by the Business Intelligence Group.

Securing this award stands as a testament to HomeWAV’s unwavering commitment to innovation and its profound impact to connect communities nationwide, awarded to an organization whose culture, products and people are consistently delivering innovative solutions for their community and customers.

“Innovation is the heartbeat of progress, moving us beyond the limits of today into the boundless possibilities of tomorrow,” said HomeWAV CEO Morteza Sahebkar. “At HomeWAV, we recognize that innovation isn’t just a choice; it’s the foundation of our mission. By continually pushing the boundaries of technology and service, we empower families to stay connected with their incarcerated loved ones like never before. Through innovation, we redefine what’s possible, enhancing lives and transforming the landscape of correctional communication.”

Organizations from across the globe submitted their recent innovations for consideration in the BIG Innovation Awards. Nominations were then judged by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteer their time and expertise to score submissions.

“Innovation is driving our society,” said Maria Jimenez, chief nominations officer of the Business Intelligence Group. “We are thrilled to be honoring HomeWAV as they are leading by example and improving the lives of so many.”

About HomeWAV

Founded in 2011, HomeWAV LLC has remained the industry leader in providing simple, secure inmate communication and technology solutions to correctional facilities across the country. Headquartered in St. Louis, MO, our all-in-one patented platform is the first of its kind to satisfy the growing demands in the correctional industry. Through our organizational pillars of Integrity, Innovation, and Impact, we are disrupting the industry standard by leading with fairness and developing transformative technology while keeping facilities safe and communities connected. For more information, visit HomeWAV at and on LinkedIn and Facebook.

About Business Intelligence Group

The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other industry award programs, these programs are judged by business executives having experience and knowledge. The organization’s proprietary and unique scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple business domains and then rewards those companies whose achievements stand above those of their peers.


Media Contact:
Amanda Jasper

CASE STUDY: Leavenworth County Jail

Located in Leavenworth, Kansas, Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office fully acknowledges the necessity of a community partnership. Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office staff is committed to providing its community with professional and courteous law enforcement services. They seek a proactive approach and utilize common sense to solve problems and further their partnership with the community. The jail facility houses an average of 175 inmates with a maximum capacity of 220 beds.


CHALLENGES: Dissatisfied with their previous inmate communication and technology provider, Leavenworth County Jail had major issues with customer service. Whenever a problem would arise, they would have system downtimes for an extended period that caused major issues. They were frustrated with these ongoing issues and wanted a reliable communications system that worked properly and provided timely customer service whenever needed. After searching for a trusted industry provider to resolve their concerns, Leavenworth County Jail selected HomeWAV based on their proven commitment to customer service and advancements in innovative technology.

HomeWAV Partners with Laclede County Sheriff’s Office to Enhance Inmate Communications

New collaboration transforms technology solutions for correctional facility

LEBANON, Mo., December 11, 2023–HomeWAV, the leader in providing simple, secure inmate communication solutions, proudly announces its recent partnership with Laclede County Sheriff’s Office. This collaboration marks a transformative step forward in inmate communication and facility technology with the implementation of HomeWAV’s all-in-one solution, including voice calls, video visitation, messaging, and tablets for Laclede County’s correctional facility.

With this new partnership, Laclede County Sheriff’s Office has significantly enhanced inmate communication and technology solutions by deploying 13 HomePAS™ (Protected Access System) kiosks and 130 ComPAS™ (Portable Access System) tablets, completing installation on November 22. With a maximum capacity of 150 beds and an average daily inmate population of 117, this partnership ensures improved communication and access to technology to connect communities.

Laclede County Jail Captain Jack Stone expressed the Office’s rationale behind selecting HomeWAV over other providers, stating, “When looking for a new detainee phone provider, we were looking for a company with great customer service and the ability to stay relevant with technology. We did a lot of research and all their current customers were very pleased with the service they were receiving from HomeWAV.”

HomeWAV’s dedication to innovation played a pivotal role during the evaluation process, with Stone noting, “We were particularly pleased with their presentation, which not only covered their current services but also outlined future plans for technology and services in our jail.”

In addition to offering voice, video visitation, messaging, and tablet services, HomeWAV prioritizes secure technology for both inmates and facility staff, emphasizing inmate well-being through innovative educational resources such as eBooks. Recognizing the importance of mental health and rehabilitation, HomeWAV extends its commitment beyond traditional communication, empowering inmates with educational materials for personal growth and skills development. By fostering positive change, HomeWAV seeks to create a forward-thinking environment, preparing incarcerated individuals for a successful life post-release.

Reflecting on the partnership, HomeWAV Director of Strategic Accounts Jim DiCenso expressed enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to collaborate with Laclede County Sheriff’s Office and contribute to enhancing inmate communication within the facility. Our dedication to customer satisfaction and staying at the forefront of technology aligns seamlessly with the Office’s objectives, and we anticipate a successful and enduring partnership.”

Laclede County Sheriff David Millsap emphasized the significance of the new partnership, stating, “We are really pleased to partner with a company that has a vision for the future, but most importantly values their customers, and HomeWAV is that type of company.”

The implementation of HomeWAV’s comprehensive communication solutions represents a significant leap forward in modernizing inmate communication at Laclede County Sheriff’s Office, creating a secure, efficient, and technologically advanced environment for both inmates and facility staff.

About HomeWAV

Founded in 2011, HomeWAV LLC has remained the industry leader in providing simple, secure inmate communication and technology solutions to correctional facilities across the country. Headquartered in St. Louis, MO, our all-in-one patented platform is the first of its kind to satisfy the growing demands in the correctional industry. Through our organizational pillars of Integrity, Innovation, and Impact, we are disrupting the industry standard by leading with fairness and developing transformative technology while keeping facilities safe and communities connected. For more information, visit HomeWAV at and on LinkedIn and Facebook.


Media Contact:
Amanda Jasper

HomeWAV Announces Partnership with LaPorte County Community Corrections in Indiana

Telecommunications company selected for its innovative all-in-one inmate communications, technology solutions

LAPORTE, Ind., November 20, 2023–HomeWAV, the leader in providing simple, secure inmate communication solutions, is pleased to announce a new and exciting partnership with LaPorte County Community Corrections in Indiana. This partnership brings advanced communication technology and a range of all-in-one services to the facility, including voice and video calling, messaging, and tablets.

Selecting HomeWAV for its cutting-edge technology and comprehensive services, LaPorte County Community Corrections sought to enhance the inmate experience by introducing tablets, offering a more user-friendly and efficient communication platform.

LaPorte County Community Corrections now offers six interactive HomePAS™ (Protected Access System) kiosks and 30 ComPAS™ (Portable Access System) tablets in its facility as part of this partnership. These technological enhancements will help improve overall facility operations, connect inmates with their loved ones, and engage in meaningful activities to aid their reintegration into society.

“We are thrilled to welcome LaPorte County Community Corrections as a valued facility partner,” said Jim DiCenso, Director of Strategic Accounts at HomeWAV. “Our dedication to innovation, security, and user-friendly technology aligns perfectly with LaPorte’s mission to improve inmate rehabilitation and overall facility operations.”

The collaboration with HomeWAV allows LaPorte County Community Corrections to offer inmates a range of communication services, including voice and video calls, messaging, and access to tablets. This not only enhances the quality of life for inmates but also supports their rehabilitation by providing valuable educational resources through secure digital platforms.

About HomeWAV

Founded in 2011, HomeWAV LLC has remained the industry leader in providing simple, secure inmate communication and technology solutions to correctional facilities across the country. Headquartered in St. Louis, MO, our all-in-one patented platform is the first of its kind to satisfy the growing demands in the correctional industry. Through our organizational pillars of Integrity, Innovation, and Impact, we are disrupting the industry standard by leading with fairness and developing transformative technology while keeping facilities safe and communities connected. For more information, visit HomeWAV at and on LinkedIn and Facebook.


Media Contact:
Amanda Jasper