Incarcerated individuals face a myriad of challenges and concerns while they aim to complete their jail time, and many of them struggle to stay in communication with their family and friends. In some instances, they are also unable or uncertain where they can get the mental health care and support they need.
According to Mental Health America, a non-profit organization dedicated to mental health needs, 1.2 million incarcerated individuals are living with mental illness. This is significant because at the end of spring 2021 there were 1.8 million in jail or prison nationwide, meaning more than 50% of inmates have a mental illness.
While each person’s needs are unique, it’s important to provide mental health programs for inmates while serving their jail time. This will assist them while incarcerated and be a positive aid to help them rejoin society once they’ve finished their sentence.
A Digital Society
Over the last two decades, we have transitioned to living in a digital society. We communicate and seek out information on a global scale, and staying connected with friends and loved ones has proven no different.
Whether it’s being on social media platforms, using smartphone apps or asking Siri for assistance, many of us have become dependent on everyday access to media platforms and communications technology as part of our lifestyle. However, as this transition to digital continues and becomes more encompassing, it creates divisions. Some people are more affluent with constant access to the technology they crave, while others, such as incarcerated individuals, struggle to be digital participants who look to conform and keep aspects of normality within their grasp.
Living within a digital society, using its services and platforms, is constantly evolving. It’s much easier for those who aren’t imprisoned to stay current, as incarcerated individuals are no longer willing participants with a variety of options and tools to pick from. That kind of separation can be problematic and difficult.
How Communications Programs for Inmates Can Impact Mental Health
By offering the ability to keep in touch with family, friends, loved ones, and even clergy or an attorney, inmates will be positively affected as they serve their jail time and go through rehabilitation. Other positive effects on mental health may include a reduction in tension and anxiety, no longer feeling excluded or disconnected, and strengthening social skills.
Whether it’s staying in touch with family and friends, or speaking with a health professional on a video call, offering communication-focused mental health programs for inmates will go a long way in buoying their ability to adapt as they prepare to eventually rejoin a digital society with confidence.
Offering support is key. Upon their release from prison, inmates can feel as much stress as they did when they were first incarcerated, as they lose their housing, healthcare and more. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than two-thirds of state and federal prisoners are likely to be rearrested within three years of their release. Much of this is due to the structure in their lives unraveling while they simultaneously struggle with mental illness.
While jails and prisons won’t be able to provide permanent employment, housing or mentoring resources upon an inmate’s release, the mental health care they received while incarcerated will help set them up for success as they re-enter our communities. By removing them from harm’s way, and knowing they have the mental health support and necessary tools needed, they are more likely to become productive members of society.
Using HomeWAV for Communicating
HomeWAV offers simple ways to help incarcerated individuals connect with family, friends, clergy and more. By providing secure, reliable access to video calls, incarcerated individuals gain an important communications tool, giving them the ability to get the mental health support they need. HomeWAV will provide the system and install it in your jail or prison for free. Within minutes, users can create an account, download the free app and get started.
If you would like more information about HomeWAV, contact us, or view our frequently asked questions for additional details.